Show You Care With DIY Valentine’s Cards
It’s easy to go to the store, walk down the card isle, and select a Valentine’s Day card, but does the card say how you truly feel about your special someone? If you’re looking for a more personal touch for Valentine’s Day, then check out these Do-It-Yourself Valentine’s cards. There’s something for all your feelings, and from edible cards to flying messages, you can say whatever your heart desires.
Types Of DIY Cards
- Yarn Cards: All you need is cardstock, threading needle, and yarn and you can add a pop of color to your cards. Create whatever design you want on the front of the card with a special message inside.
- Donut Ever Let Me Go, Valentine: This hilarious card will be delicious and will add the right amount of sweetness to make your significant other all doughy inside. Package a donut in a baggy with a card on top.
- You Make My Heart Pop Card: Express how much your popcorn-loving partner means to you with this corny card. You can even personalize the card to add a sentimental touch, and glue it to the top of a popcorn bag.
- Button Heart Photo Card: Cut out a heart-shaped hole in the front of the card and glue a photo of you and your significant other inside. Use the buttons as a boarder around the heart to add some beautiful embellishment.
- Pop-Up XO Card: Show your partner how much you care with a card filled to the brim with Xs and Os.
- XOXO Valentine Card: Pressed on time and needing something to express your feelings to your significant other? A little glue, paper, and a sentimental note goes a long way. Cut out different color hearts and glue them to the front of your card with a loving message on the inside.
- Uplifting Paper Airplane Message: Send your partner’s heart soaring with this card. Fold your card into a paper airplane with a hidden message inside, and decorate it for an extra bit of flair.
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Pick Your Favorite
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and if you’re not paying attention, it will sneak up on you. Don’t get caught without a card for your special someone. There are so many unique ideas that won’t take you long to create, and you can add a personal touch.