Miller Toyota Partners With Local Schools

Miller Toyota Partners With Local Schools

Local School

Living in Manassas, we’re lucky to be surrounded by some great neighbors. And we strive to be a great neighbor ourselves at Miller Toyota by supporting great community causes. Here are a few ways Miller Toyota is supporting local schools in the coming months.

Osbourn Eagles After Prom

Miller Toyota is excited to support 2019 Osbourn Eagles After Prom. This event offers a safe, fun place for students to enjoy prom night. Activities at this off-campus event include inflatables, contests, music, free food and drinks, and prizes. Juniors and seniors can attend the event with their dates, whether or not they attend the prom. This event will run from midnight to 4 a.m. Miller Toyota is sponsoring a tricycle obstacle course to help teenagers learn about the dangers of distracted driving. If you’re interested in donating to or volunteering at the event, learn more about what the organizers need here.

Movie on the Manassas Museum Lawn

Every summer, the Baldwin Elementary School PTO partners with the Manassas Museum to provide a fun, free night out for families. This year, you can head to the museum on June 7 with your family to see Space Jam. Miller Toyota is proud to be one of the sponsors keeping this fun event free to attendees. All the proceeds from the movie night this year will go to Baldwin Elementary School, supporting goals to increase family engagement and provide educational field trips. We’re excited to be a part of this fun event.

Mountain View Elementary School

And this weekend, Miller Toyota is supporting the 9th Annual Race for Education & Fun Run hosted by Mountain View Elementary School. This fun, family-friendly race is followed by the Spring Festival in the afternoon. The MVES PTO uses this event to promote healthy living for students and to raise funds for educational resources and enrichment programs. If you want to join Miller Toyota in supporting this great cause, sign up for the race!

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Miller Toyota

Next time you’re in the market for a vehicle upgrade, we hope you’ll pay us a visit at Miller Toyota. We’d love a chance to help you find the perfect new ride.

April 24, 2019
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