Make Your Way Through the Great Maze at the Corn Maze in the Plains

Make Your Way Through the Great Maze at the Corn Maze in the Plains

Corn Maze in the Plains

If you’ve seen one corn maze, you’ve seen them all, right?

Oh, that is so wrong. You haven’t seen a corn maze until you’ve seen the Corn Maze in the Plains. If you have serious skills, you can get through this maze in an hour, but don’t count on it. It’s huge, complicated, and so much fun. You can easily spend well over an hour trying to find your way out of this maze.

Want to make it even more fun? Here are a few ideas.

Navigate the Corn Maze at Night

If there’s one thing that’s harder than the regular Corn Maze in the Plains, it’s the night corn maze. The night maze opens when the sun goes down, and it’s so much harder to get through. You can’t see the twists and turns in the maze quite as easily, even if you bring a flashlight along. You will definitely want that flashlight since it can get a little creepy at night.

Oh, and if you decide to go to the maze at night, rent a campfire, too. You can roast some marshmallows after you finally make it out of the maze. Those marshmallows will taste awfully good after spending all that time wandering around the maze.

Need Help?

What happens if you can’t find your way out of the maze? Do you have to live there forever, and become part of the corn? Nah, they won’t leave you in there for the rest of your life. There are little flag stations throughout the corn maze. If you need some help, raise the flag and someone will come over to you and help you. Try to make it through without asking for help, but if you get frustrated, raise your little flag and wait a minute. Someone will come out soon.

Don’t Forget Your Pumpkin

When you make it out of the maze, be sure to head over to the pumpkin patch and pick up a pumpkin. They have a crazy assortment of options. You can get a tiny pumpkin or get one that weighs more than 100 pounds. Talk about some serious selection.

You’ll also get a serious selection if you visit Miller Toyota in Manassas, Virginia. Come and see us before you go to the corn maze. We will help you get the right ride to take to the maze and all over Virginia. Once you have a new Toyota, you can go anywhere you want to go without worries.


October 2, 2017
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